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A Parents Guide to Nudity in Movies

Brought to you by Jim Lewis

About Us



About Us

Who writes this stuff? (MWN) is a companion website to MWN provides a simple yes-no parents guide to nudity in over 12,000 movies - with over 7,500 movies without nudity. It is designed to help families who are tired of seeing naked butts and boobs in movies.

Why did I create this list?

Most men struggle with lust. Those who don't struggle with it likely think it doesn't matter and just embrace it. I believe that lust is something I should battle, not simply struggle with. I have decided for myself (not you) that I won't knowingly expose myself to nudity in films. When I started this list, I also had a young daughter that I was trying to teach to be modest in an immodest world.

Some people are offended that I try not to watch nudity in movies. They say I am weak-willed. I agree. I don't mind admitting my weakness. I am not sure why they are offended by my personal preference. I'm not offended that they like nudity in movies. I'm not saying that no one else should watch nudity in movies. My website is for people who share my convinctions, not to convict others. The Bible doesn't say that you can't watch nudity in movies. I don't say that you can't watch nudity in movies. I don't even say that Christians shouldn't watch nudity in movies. I just say that I struggle with lust, and watching movies with nudity in them doesn't help me in my struggle.

I am a huge movie fan, both watching them in the theater and streaming them online. Back when I started this list, I wanted a page I could download to my PDA [Wow! This is old!] and refer to on the run. If I stopped by Blockbuster to rent a video, I wanted to know which films had no nudity. Most websites I use combine sex and nudity together in a long text description. They do not provide a quick reference such as "nudity: yes or no."

You might say, "What about language and violence?" Well, they aren't the same kind of struggle for me that lust is. Frankly, I don't curse, and I don't beat people up. Too many men struggle with an addiction to pornography. Nudity in movies is just the jumping-off point.


Jim Lewis

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